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Dolomite Melody rollator
Dolomite Melody rollator
Dolomite Melody rollator
Infinite adjustment
Infinite adjustment
Precise height and angle of the push handles can be set. In this way, the rollator can be customized for different arm lengths and hand positions. The unique adjustment possibilities with three height models and a wide range of accessories makes Dolomite Melody into one of the most flexible rollators on the market.
Infinite adjustment
Infinite adjustment
Precise height and angle of the push handles can be set. In this way, the rollator can be customized for different arm lengths and hand positions. The unique adjustment possibilities with three height models and a wide range of accessories makes Dolomite Melody into one of the most flexible rollators on the market.
Infinite adjustment
Infinite adjustment
Precise height and angle of the push handles can be set. In this way, the rollator can be customized for different arm lengths and hand positions. The unique adjustment possibilities with three height models and a wide range of accessories makes Dolomite Melody into one of the most flexible rollators on the market.
For transportation of a cup of coffee or similar. Can be moved to a table.
Cane holder
Cane holder
Makes the cane easily accessible.
A comfortable and safe support to lean against. Mounted on the handles and therefore follows the height adjustment.
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Specificaties en Downloads
Brochures (1)
Technische gegevens
Technische gegevens
Breedte tussen buitenkant wielen

Breedte tussen buitenkant wielen

545 mm

Totale diepte

Totale diepte

645 mm

Breedte tussen wielen

Breedte tussen wielen

485 mm

Totale hoogte

Totale hoogte

660 - 810 mm



485 mm

Breedte tussen handvatten

Breedte tussen handvatten

370 mm

Wiel diameter / voorwielen diameter

Wiel diameter / voorwielen diameter

200 mm

Veilige werkbelasting

Veilige werkbelasting

7.3 kg

Max. gebr. gewicht

Max. gebr. gewicht

135 kg

Breedte gevouwen

Breedte gevouwen

200 mm



Beige (RAL 1035)

Testen & Certificaten (1)
Testen & Certificaten (1 archive)