Aquatec Sorrento douchestoel

Uitgefaseerde producten Uitgefaseerde producten

Dit product is niet langer leverbaar. Er zijn wel andere douchekrukken en douche-/toiletstoelen.

Sorrento douchestoel
Sorrento douchestoel
Sorrento douchestoel
Sorrento douchestoel
Sorrento douchestoel
Sorrento douchestoel
Height adjustable and folding legs
Height adjustable and folding legs
The Aquatec Sorrento range can be tool less adjusted to individual body sizes. With its folding mechanism it is ideal to take on vacation or for easy storage. Backrest and armrests are fast and easy to take off.
Height adjustable and folding legs
Height adjustable and folding legs
The Aquatec Sorrento range can be tool less adjusted to individual body sizes. With its folding mechanism it is ideal to take on vacation or for easy storage. Backrest and armrests are fast and easy to take off.
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